Author Guidelines
The abstracts, presentations and posters must be prepared adhering to the guidelines mentioned subsequently and uploaded through the Submission web portal Conference Management Tool (CMT)– International Conference on Agriculture and Plantation Management (InCAPM-2025). The Microsoft CMT service is used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service is provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.
We request you to ensure that you have carefully reviewed and complied with the guidelines prior to submitting any work.
Preparation of the abstract
The abstract contains a single paragraph of the text followed by a graphical presentation (See the Template for Initial Abstract Submission). The guidelines for preparing the text and the graphical abstract are given below.
01. Text
Type | Original research which has not been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere should be presented. Research work presented or published elsewhere will not be considered |
Language | British English; Free of language errors |
Title | Brief and reflect on the study reported. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and any proper noun. 14 pt, bold, centre aligned. |
Author/s and affiliation/s | Name/s of author/s must be written as initials followed by surname (10 pt, centre aligned). If the authors are from different institutions, their affiliation should be indicated by a superscript number at the end of each name. In a separate line, the superscript number should be followed by the author’s affiliation (9 pt, italicise, centre aligned). Note: Initial submission of the abstract should be free from the author details, to have a doubled-blind review process. Authors should ensure to leave sufficient space as indicated in the template for initial abstract submission to add author details such as the names and affiliations after the review process for the purposes of final submission. However, author details must separately be added to the appropriate section of the CMT web portal. |
Corresponding author | In the submission of camera-ready copy, use an asterisk (*) to indicate the corresponding author. Email address and mobile number should be mentioned below the affiliation (10 pt, centre aligned). |
Content | The abstract should be a single paragraph with 250 words. It should be included with a brief background of the research, methodology, and results, followed by a statement on the application of research findings in boosting the economy of a country. Acronyms should be written in full the first time they are mentioned in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Use standard abbreviations of SI units. Should not include citations or references. The paragraph should be justified and should not be indent or not include any special effects. |
Keywords | A maximum of five keywords should be provided. |
Acknowledgment | Should be restricted to the names of funding agencies for financial support. Names of individuals should not be given. |
Basic format | Page size: To fit for A4 (210 x 297 mm) |
02. Graphical abstract
Content | Provide an original image that represents the work described in the paper. For ease of browsing, the graphical abstract should have a clear start and end, preferably “reading” from top to bottom or left to right. Try to reduce distracting and cluttering elements as much as possible. No additional text, outline or synopsis should be included. Any text or label must be part of the image file. Please do not use unnecessary headings such as “graphical abstract” within the image file. See the Sample Graphical Abstract. |
Image size | Provide an image with a minimum of 1328 x 531 pixels (w x h) using a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. If you are submitting a larger image, please use the same ratio (500 wide x 200 high). Please note that your image will be scaled proportionally to fit in the available window: a 500 by 200-pixel rectangle. |
Font | Palatino Linotype, with a large enough font size as the image will be reduced in size to fit into the page. |
File type | Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or later. Include a PowerPoint slide containing high resolution pictures prepared as the Sample Graphical Abstract. You need to include this graphical abstract into your abstract as a picture (JPEG) as shown in the Template for Initial Abstract Submission. Attach this PowerPoint file as a supplementary document when submit your abstract online. |
Other requirements
- Prepare your abstract as mentioned in the Template for Initial Abstract Submission. Abstracts that do not concurrence with the guidelines will be rejected.
- Make sure that you have taken the ethical clearance for human or animal research issued by an Ethics Review Committee.
- Abstracts should be free from Plagiarism or AI usage. The authors are advised to verify the abstracts against plagiarism and AI prior submission.
- Once the document enclosed with the text and the graphical abstract is ready, save the file with the last name (or Family name) of the corresponding author followed by the document name as a .docx* (MS Word) file.
e.g. Perera abstract - Similarly, save the PowerPoint slide containing the graphical abstract following the same format as a PPT file
e.g. Perera graphical abstract - Declaration form filled and signed by the all authors should be uploaded along with other files at the time of submission. If the corresponding author is a postgraduate/ undergraduate student, the declaration form must be signed by the supervising author/s. Save the completed declaration form using similar format as a PDF file.
e.g. Perera declaration form - Authors should upload the scanned copy of the Author Declaration Form signed by the presenting author and the corresponding author, to the CMT system along with the abstract and the PowerPoint containing the graphical abstract.
Submission of the abstract
Upload following files using the submission portal given below on or before the closing date.
• Abstract
• Graphical abstract
• Declaration form
Submission of the Camera-ready Abstract
Ensure that all comments made by the reviewers have been addressed and the paper adheres to the formatting guidelines. Once the abstract is accepted, the authors should include author details after the title. See the Sample Camera-ready Copy. Prepare your Camera-ready paper according to the provided template. Please use the below link for submitting the Camera-ready Abstract through the CMT.
Note: The publication team requires the MS Word files to make corrections if necessary.
We look forward to your participation in InCAPM 2025!
Presentation mode
Oral and poster presentations will be held mainly in physical mode (except for the abstracts accepted from foreign participants for online mode) in parallel sessions categorized under the eight thematic areas.