In parallel with the Silver Jubilee Celebrations, the Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka organizes InCAPM 2025 as an international platform for researchers and postgraduate students to disseminate, discuss and showcase their high-caliber research findings in agriculture and related fields with a diverse audience.
The conference features keynote and plenary speeches from eminent international scholars, oral and poster presentations under the theme “Think big in agriculture for a boosting bioeconomy”. The conference will be based on the following eight tracks and researchers are invited to submit respective abstracts adhering to the given research areas.
High-Tech Agricultural Production

01. High-Tech Agricultural Production:
High-tech agricultural production has emerged as a tool to increase food production through the application of modern technology in agricultural practices. Accordingly, expected primary research areas under this track are,
- Protected agriculture
- Precision agriculture
- Determine crop and pest interaction
- Application of drone technology
- Slow and smart pesticide delivery system
- Slow and smart pesticide delivery system
- Use of GIS (Geographic Information System)
- Use big data for situation analysis, extension services and prediction
- Smart farming practices
- Vertical farming
- Innovative fertilizer and other inputs
- Pest and disease management technologies
- Green technology on early detection of pest and disease
- Bioinformatics for green pest control
- Climate-resilient technologies
- Plant production through hydroponics, aquaponics, and aeroponics
- Obtaining thermal images and determine plant stresses and minimize pesticide application (image processing)
- Irrigation applications
- Agricultural machinery for enhancing productivity
- Advanced plant propagation technologies
Varietal Innovations and Seeds

02. Varietal Innovations and Seeds:
Varietal innovations and seeds primarily include evolving ideas, practices and new technologies being developed which enhance the field of plant breeding. Accordingly, expected primary research areas under this track are,
- Breeding: conventional breeding; molecular breeding; mutation breeding; haploid breeding; polyploidy breeding
- Genetic engineering: gene transformation; gene editing; recombinant DNA technology;
- Genomics
- Proteomics
- Molecular biology
- Bioinformatics
- Genetics: Mendelian genetics; quantitative genetics, population genetics, cytogenetics
- Seeds and seed systems
- Seed technology
- Quality of seeds and other quality planting materials (e.g. tubers, cuttings)…etc.
- Develop resistant varieties
- Gene technology for reduce pesticides
Innovative Food Processing Technologies

03. Innovative Food Processing Technologies:
Innovative food processing technologies include new technologies being developed to improve food production, intermediary food processing steps, food packaging and distribution, subsequently leading to a significant increase in the efficiency of the food industry and improved access to high-quality food products for consumers. Accordingly, expected primary research areas under this track are,
- Functional foods and nutraceutical
- Nutrition and health impacts
- Food packaging innovations
- Food safety and quality assurance
- Traceability and transparency in the food supply chain
- The science of flavor and taste
- Culinary applications and product development
- Food waste reduction and management…etc.
Microorganisms in Agro-industry and Environment

04. Microorganisms in Agro-industry and Environment:
Microorganisms in agro-industry and environment could play a vital role in producing important primary and secondary metabolites integral to optimizing agricultural production while minimizing ecological footprints. Accordingly, expected primary research areas under this track are,
- Plant and animal-associated microbes and their role in soil health, plant growth, biogeochemical cycles
- Diseases in plants, animals and other organisms
- Microbial industries: fermented food and beverages, food additives, quality assurance, animal feed, pharmaceuticals, biofuel and other industrial chemicals
- Biofertilizer
- Bio-stimulants
- Biofortification
- Biopesticides
- Soil health improvement
- Plant growth regulator
- Biodegradation and bioremediation
- Isolation and identification of microorganisms
- Strain improvements
- Microbial culture techniques
- Green control of pest and diseases by natural enemies
- Bioreactors…etc.
Esthetic Agriculture and Environment

05. Esthetic Agriculture and Environment:
Esthetic agriculture and environment primarily recognizes spaces within the agriculture setup that can lead to possess intrinsic beauty and cultural significance beyond their rational functions. Accordingly, expected primary research areas under this track are,
- Environmental horticulture
- Floriculture: cut flowers, foliage, potted plants and aquatic plant production
- Pollinator conservation and management
- Biodiversity conservation
- Water conservation and management
- Ecotourism
- Organic farming and regenerative agriculture
- Agroforestry
- Climate change and mitigation
- Natural resource management
- Environmental pollution and remediation
- Sustainable development
- Environmental education and public awareness
- Circular economy
- Plant extracts and minerals for plant protection
- Plant immunity development
- Waste management…et
Animal Production Systems and Industry Trends

06. Animal Production Systems and Industry Trends:
Animal production systems and industry trends fundamentally include the methods and practices involved in raising animals to meet local and global demand for animal products and anticipated role of the industry to ensure sustainable animal production. Accordingly, expected primary research areas under this track are,
- Intensive, semi-intensive, and extensive animal production systems
- Organic and sustainable livestock farming
- Nutrition and feed efficiency
- Alternative protein sources for livestock feed
- Precision livestock management technologies
- Animal welfare in production systems
- One health and disease management
- Vertical integration and supply chain management
- Market trends and consumer preferences
- Climate-smart farming practices
- Technology adoption and innovation
- Policy and regulatory landscape
- Multi-species farming…etc.
Agricultural and Resource Economics

07. Agricultural and Resource Economics:
Agricultural and resource economics broadly discuss how allied resources are allocated, utilized, and managed within agricultural sectors to optimize productivity and pledge sustainability. Accordingly, expected primary research areas under this track are,
- Global agricultural trade policies and their impact
- Commodity price volatility and risk management
- Agricultural value chains and market access
- Supply chain management
- Efficiency and productivity
- Economic analysis of precision agriculture
- Agricultural finance and investment
- Climate change and adaptation
- Carbon farming and carbon markets
- Agriculture wastes for biogenic plant growth promotors and improve defense system
- Valuation of ecosystem services…etc
Policy and

08. Policy and Governance:
Policy and governance imply the framework and practices that guide decision-making and behavior within organizations, governments and citizens through planning, implementing, and enacting of laws. Accordingly, expected primary research areas under this track are,
- Agricultural policy and rural development
- Environmental policies and regulations
- Policies for improving food security and nutrition
- Gender and social equity in agriculture
- International trade and policy
- Conflict resolution and dispute management in plantations
- Public-private partnerships for sustainable development in agriculture
- Policy for Green Plant protection
- Institutional frameworks and governance structures…etc.