Author Guidelines

Selected manuscripts will be published as special issues of the following journals published by the Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. Select the relevant journal which best suits for your research study, and follow the author guidelines of the selected journal to prepare your manuscript once your abstract is selected to be published.

    1. Journal of Food and Agriculture
    2. Applied Bio-Systems Technology
    3. Applied Economics and Business

Common guidelines are given below.

Guidelines for manuscript submission

Type Original research should be presented which has not been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere
Language British English; Free of language errors
Title Should be concise and informative. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and any proper noun. 14pt, bold, center aligned.
Author/s and affiliation/s Name/s of author/s must be written as initials followed by surname. If the authors are from different institutions, their affiliation should be indicated by a superscript number at the end of each name. In a separate line, the superscript number should be followed by the author’s affiliation.
Corresponding author Use an Asterisk (*) to indicate the corresponding author. Email addresses and mobile number should be mentioned below the affiliations.
Abstract The abstract should be a single paragraph with 250 words. It should be included with a brief background of the research, methodology, and results, followed by a statement on the application of research findings in boosting the economy of a country. Acronyms should be written in full the first time they are mentioned in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Use standard abbreviations of SI units. Should not include citations or references. The paragraph should be justified and should not be indent or not include any special effects.
Keywords A maximum of five keywords should be provided in alphabetical order.

Other requirements

  1. Manuscripts that do not concurrence with the guidelines will be rejected.
  2. Make sure that you have taken the ethical clearance for human or animal research issued by an Ethics Review Committee.

Submission, Review and Publication

Manuscript IDUse the same ID provided at the submission of your abstract.
Online Submission SystemAfter notifying the acceptance of your abstract for the conference you can submit your full research paper to the online submission system provided in the website before the deadline.
Register/LoginCreate an account and log in to the submission system.
Submit PaperUpload your paper, ensuring your paper adhere to the author guidelines. Double-check your submission for completeness and correctness before final submission.
Review ProcessYour paper will be reviewed by two anonymous experts in the field.
RevisionsPlease address the comments made by the reviewers if your paper is accepted. Submit the revised manuscript with the responses to the reviewer comments documented separately. Once the revised manuscript is accepted, submit the camera-ready copy before the given deadline.
PublicationAccepted research papers will be published in the relevant journal selected by the author at the submission process.